What Happens If Your Gum Test Reveals Deeper Pockets Than Normal?

23 May 2018
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

One step you will go through at a routine visit to the dentist is a gum measurement test. This test is conducted to evaluate the health of your gums, and it is an important part of a dental examination. If your dentist finds that the pockets in your gums are deeper than normal, this typically means that you have gingivitis. If this is the case, here are some of the steps your dentist will take to treat the problem:

Explain to You What This Means

Gingivitis is the first stage you will go through with gum disease, and it will only worsen if you fail to treat it. Your dentist will explain this to you and how gum disease occurs so that you understand what it is. Gum disease generally forms when plaque from the teeth works its way into the gums. This can lead to swollen, red gums, and it can cause your gums to bleed. Gingivitis may also cause you to have bad breath. Fortunately, gum disease is highly treatable, especially if your dentist catches it during the first stage.

Offer At-Home Treatment Options

Depending on how severe your gingivitis is, your dentist may either recommend going through a dental procedure or trying things at home to treat it. There are several good at-home methods you could use that may help treat gum disease, and your dentist will explain these to you. Here are some of the options you could try:

  • Mouthwash – Using a certain type of mouthwash is often recommended for people with minor cases of gingivitis. The type your dentist recommends will strengthen your teeth and kill bacteria in your mouth.
  • Prescription fluoride – Fluoride is something that helps strengthen teeth and using prescription fluoride might be a good idea if you have gingivitis; this typically comes in the form of a gel that you must apply to your teeth daily.

If your gingivitis is fairly severe, the dentist may recommend going through a dental procedure to treat it.

Dental Procedures to Treat Gingivitis

The main dental procedure used to treat gingivitis is called scaling and root planing; the purpose of this procedure is to scrape all the plaque off the gum lines in your mouth. Once this is done, your gums will heal and will be stronger and healthier.

Treating gingivitis is a necessity if you want to protect your gums and teeth. To learn more about gingivitis and its symptoms, contact your family dentist today.
